Holy crud-a-doli. I cannot state how proud I am of this. And I hate to be modest, especially about my work, but this time... wow. Eeeep!piece explanation.
Thank you to all my watchers who support me and my work! Throughout all of my recent experiments via the different mediums, some of you have stood there and smiled, commenting, and favoriting my work. This gave me a huge motivation boost, even though there is only a few of you. Now, I suppose you're wondering why my title matches that one journal I posted. And I suppose this piece is a technical contribution towards that.
So yes.
Last night, we received an email from the Equestrian Center, asking us what skill types and such I already know. So this got me thinking, "Wait...why the random message? o:" Then after I returned from my dance class, I literally screamed at the response we received. They said that on January 25th, aka next Friday, they would be starting up a new class. They said I could take two of those classes, then be fitted into a more advanced class. OH.MY.GOSH. SO! I will be taking my dream to a new level, I actually get to ride again!
I'm a lot happier then I'm probably expressing, but I don't want to brag. Therefore, my wishful thinking has just about become a reality of it's own. And this piece was completely inspired from it. I...this is the happiest I've been in months. Perhaps even years, and I hope this feeling won't end for at least a little while longer.
Thank you to all stock providers for helping me to create this piece from your wonderful images!
Background: [link]
Horse: ~venomxbaby [link]
Feather: ~AlphaONE666 [link]
All else hand painted by =Trippzx (c) 2013. Do not steal any part of this piece, copy, edit, or reproduce without written permission and consent.