Good Morning
.: The Glance :.
This is how I feel
The Light of Life
Secret door
The Mirror
The Mirror– El Espejo
This work is dedicated to my friends
Happy Birtday dears!!!!!
I apologize if I take so long to reply to messages. Thank you so so much guys!!!!![Love :love:]()
![DoNotUsePlz :icondonotuseplz:]()
![MyArtPlz :iconmyartplz:]()
Credits Stocks
![Black Rose :blackrose:]()
by ~KahinaSpirit
BG [link] by *CHEYENNE75
BG [link] by ~HunterMoore
Old face [link] [link] by `FantasyStock
The rest is painted by me in Photoshop CS3 and my own resources
Thank you so much for your excellents stocks!!!!![Heart :heart:]()
♥ Visit their galleries and know the work of these wonderful artists who are an inspiration for my art♥
Thank you for![fav3dplz :iconfav3dplz:]()
Visit my blog [link]
This work is dedicated to my friends

I apologize if I take so long to reply to messages. Thank you so so much guys!!!!


BG [link] by *CHEYENNE75
BG [link] by ~HunterMoore
Old face [link] [link] by `FantasyStock
The rest is painted by me in Photoshop CS3 and my own resources
Thank you so much for your excellents stocks!!!!

♥ Visit their galleries and know the work of these wonderful artists who are an inspiration for my art♥
Thank you for

Visit my blog [link]

Casual Timelord 2
If the Doctor would not travel around, but just having a break - maybe he would look like that after a while ...

Bonny (before-after)
Si te llega mi canción
Neptune and Uranus edit
海王 みちる と 天王 はるか
Neptune and Uranus,my favourite pairing in the entire series they're just so great ;cries;
Their relationship is just so beautiful and i love them individually too i mean hOW CAN YOU NOT
originally posted on tumblr [link]
Neptune and Uranus,my favourite pairing in the entire series they're just so great ;cries;
Their relationship is just so beautiful and i love them individually too i mean hOW CAN YOU NOT
originally posted on tumblr [link]

Bodybuilder 156
Well, red IS my favorite color, in case anyone asks.

The Forever Forest
Happy New Year...
Credits shortly
Credits shortly

This artwork is dedicated to my friends
& to all my capricorn-watchers ![Heart :heart:]()
My work may not be reproduced in whole or in part,
copied, edited, published, transmitted,
downloaded or uploaded anywhere at any time
without my prior written permission.
Closeness means you get hurt; closeness means letting down your defences and letting people see the tender skin under the carapace.
― C. Kelly
WIKI [link]

My work may not be reproduced in whole or in part,
copied, edited, published, transmitted,
downloaded or uploaded anywhere at any time
without my prior written permission.

Closeness means you get hurt; closeness means letting down your defences and letting people see the tender skin under the carapace.
― C. Kelly
WIKI [link]

Bodybuiler 157
A little bit too bronze for my tastes but the shapes are nice.

~The desert have eyes~
" He know your secret. Don't hide it, but If you want to continue. Go ahead."

A Place Far From Home
Marylin Dark