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Y yo bien feliz por que Vivi subio blends en psd :love: yo amo como edita!!! y este blend es uno de mis favoritos :D
La Demi bien sensoala como siempre :3

:rose:|~Blend en PSD:~PrincessDontCry
:rose:|~PSD: ~PrincessDontCry


The Toxic Roses

Vz.58 Saints Go Marching Edition

Suggested by; zacharyp99.deviantart.com/

At the first at the gun Saints Row came to mind. I Really loved the beginning of the series, but I feel they feel out of touch with what the Saints are all about. Don't get wrong about the game I do still like it. I used a tag from Saints Row II seen near the magazine above the trigger guard.

Any art from Saints Row belongs to them and the franchise.


Caliber: 7.62x39 mm
Action: Gas operated, tilting breech block
Overall length: 845 mm (635 mm with folded stock)
Barrel length: 390 mm
Weight: with empty magazine 3.10 kg, with loaded magazine 3.60 kg
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
Rate of fire: 800 rounds per minute
Effective range: about 400 meters

The Samopal vzor 1958 (submachine gun,model of 1958) was the standard assault rifle of the Czechoslovak army from thelate 1950s and until the dissolution of the ČSSR in the 1993. At the present time the SA Vz.58 is still used by the Czech and Slovak armies, as well as soldfor export in some quantities. The SA Vz.58 saw not much of real combat, so itis hard to judge how it stakes up against the most known contemporary rivals,like the Soviet / Russian AK-47 or the US M16A1. But the overall quality, fitand finish of this rifle is excellent. This rifle had been designed by the Czecharms designer Jiří Čermák, under the project codename "KOŠTĚ",or "Broom", in English. Development began in Januaryof 1956, and the rifle was adopted for service only 2 years later, in 1958. The rifle was manufactured by the state-owned arms factory "Česká zbrojovka", located in the town of Uherský Brod (CZ-UB).

The Czech army planned to replace the SAVz.58 with the newest CZ-2000 rifle system, chambered for 5.56mm NATO ammunition, but the financial difficulties severely slowed down this process.

The SA Vz.58 strongly resembles externally the famous Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle, but internally it is entirely different and of original and well-thought out design.

Technical description.
The SA Vz.58 is a gas operated, magazine fed, selective fire weapon. It uses more or less conventional short stroke gas piston, located above the barrel. Thegas piston has its own return spring. The locking system features a linearly moving bolt (breechblock) with a separate tilting locking piece. The breechblock(bolt) is located under the bolt carrier, and the locking piece is hinged to thebolt and located under it. Gun fires from the closed bolt all times. When gun isfired, the gas piston gives a short tap to the bolt carrier. After a free movement of about 22 mm (.9 inch) the bolt carrier swings the locking piece upfrom the locking recesses in the receiver, and thus unlocks the bolt. From this moment on the bolt group moves back at once, extracting and ejecting the spentcase and chambering the fresh cartridge. At the end of the return stroke thebolt stops in the forward most position against the breech face, while the boltcarrier continues to move forward, swinging the locking piece down and into the locking recesses, thus locking the bolt to the receiver. The overall system can be roughly described as a mix between the Walther P-38 pistol and the CzechZB-26 (or British Bren) machine gun locking. The charging handle is attached to the right side of the bolt carrier.

The trigger / hammer unit also differs from the most common designs in that it is a striker fired design. The massive cylindrical striker is located at the rear, hollowed part of the bolt, and has its own spring located under the bolt group return spring. The striker has a lugthat interacts with the sear and is used to hold the striker in the cocked position. The overall design of the trigger unit is relatively simple and has few moving parts. The safety / fire mode selector switch is located at the right side of the receiver, and has 3 positions for safe, single shots and full automatic fire.

The basic variant, SA Vz.58P, has a fixed buttstock, and furniture made either from wood (early models) or from wood-impregnated plastic(late production models). The SA Vz.58V has a side-folding metallic buttstock,and the SA Vz.58Pi is similar to the SA Vz.58P except that it has a large mounting bracket on the left side of the receiver, that allows for the IR /Night sights to be mounted.

The sights are of open type, with hooded front post and open notch adjustable rear.

Special thanks to MiroslavNovák (Czech republic) for additional information on the SA Vz.58 rifle

The Call

The Making of a Water Nymph



Wallpaper darks c8

Ñe hoy estuve de jipster 8) fui al estarbuks ah
y pos hice esto<3
Creditos a la textura de el fondo a :iconjustoflove:

Harry's blue moon

:iconreadplz: :iconmyartplz: :iconcommentplz:
I still love Harry Potter the movie and the books are still so cool and awesome plus very magical when I first saw the first movie and book aww Daniel Radcliffe is totally cool I think he's my age.
Harry Potter belongs to J.K.Rowling



Hey guys! It's been a while. School and soccer have been kicking my ass. :(

This picture is more experimental than anything, so it's not my best work. I wanted to mess around with lighting, backgrounds, and the motion blur but I'm not sure it all worked in this instance. Oh wellllll


*Wings are not mine. Found them on Google.*

I'm a 16 year old unknown aspiring actor that has a goal: get cast as Maximum Ride in the Maximum Ride movie. I've been with the Flock from the beginning and Max has always been my dream role. I will fight for a shot to audition and prove myself to whoever the casting director is. This is my dream and I'm ready to fight for it. I will give everything I have to these movies and to this role to make it worthy to the amazing books.
Spread my name around: Emily Kordovich as Maximum Ride.







Sea of Blood

unhooking the moon

+Bien o mal.

Solo se que me gustó pocito(?) esté blend:3 de mi Julieta!*u*, solo lo hice con una foto!xdd ¿Por qué no hay fotos HQ de Julieta?:cc Ay!:c ¡Me voy a jugar Resident Evil, BYE!♥. kfjdhnd*w*..

:bulletblue:SI TE GUSTÓ AGREGA A :+fav:.
:bulletblue:No te lo robes ni lo hagas pasar por tuyo.
:bulletblue:¡Dame +watch si aún no me tienes!
:bulletblue:Comenta algo bonito si es que te gustó.
:bulletblue:Ser original es algo genial.

:bulletred:psd's: ~ButtterflyCry // ~TakeMySwag
:bulletred:styles: ~AWednesdayInACafe //
:bulletred:imágenes: Yo la recolecté♥.
:bulletred:Otros recursos en :+fav:

©Credits for the pictures go to their respective photographers. There is no intention to infringe the copyright rules.


Last Ones Standing - Inferno

In continuation of postapocalyptic statues. This is the image of inferno, the destruction of fire.
Statue by Ercole Ferrata (1610 – 10 July 1686) depicts St.Agness.

Statue by WikiMedia Commons (used under Creative Commons License) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:St_…
Bg is by ~knightfall-stock (no longer availbale)

You can see other images in this series:

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Nebula Sunset


ANS Shenandoah

The Alliance Nations first ever Battlecruiser the ANS Senandoah

Jeans Guy 25

Powerful and restrained. So hard not to keep looking.
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